Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali - Class 9th - English - Lesson 4 - Tulip Series

Book Cover Class 9th English Tulip series

Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali RA | Prose 4| English | Tulip Series | Class 9th |

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Lesson 4 – Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali RA (Prof. G. R. Malik)

Prof Ghulam Rasool MalikProf.  Ghulam Rasool Malik, born in 1945, is a professor of English. Under a post-doctoral Commonwealth fellowship, he studied at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 1987-88. His areas of specialization are British English poetry and comparative literature. Prof Malik’s publications are; Iqbal and the English Romantics (1988), Rasul Mir.

(Sahitya Akademi, 1990), The Bloody Horizon: A study of Iqbal’s response to the West (1991), Romantic Criticism (IGNOU, 1999) and the Urdu book Surood-I-Sahr-Afarin (1993). His articles and book reviews have appeared in The Charles Lamb Bulletin, UK, Muslim World Book Review, UK, Radiance, New Delhi, and English Studies in India. Srinagar.

Thinking About the Text

Q1. Why did Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali enter the cave?

Ans. Sheik Noor-ud-Din Wali RA entered the cave for penance and purifying, his self. It was the period of spiritual training and preparation, for him.

Q2. What made people flock to the Shiekh?

Ans. People flocked near Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali RA to seek his divine blessings. He taught them how to pray to Almighty Allah and how to live a simple life.

Q3. What does Sheikh-ul-Alam mean?

Ans. Sheikh-ul-Alam RAmeans the spiritual guide of the world or a saint of world stature.

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