An Epitaph-Walter de la mare, Summary, Objective & Online Test

"An Epitaph"-Summary
एक समाधि 
Last Updated :- 20-09-2019
An Epitaph Summary, Walter De La Mare, Download PDF, Jolly Lifestyle World
Walter De La Mare

Spouse: Elfrida Ingpen (m. 1899–1943)

“An epitaph” is a heart-touchable short poem which has been composed by the world famous poet Walter de la Mare. In this love poem, the poet tells us about the most beautiful lady of a Western country who is no more in this world.

She was the most beautiful lady that was ever born in the West Country. The poet is indicating towards a grave and says that this is the same tomb in which my love is laid down.

The poet loved her too much by wholeheartedly. So the poet began to weep bitterly to know the news about her death. Whenever oppressed the memory of his beloved, the poet used to go near her tomb and sit beside her tomb where she was laid down. So the poet wants to say that if a lover loves someone too much by heart never leave her alone.

हिंदी में 
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                                      वह इतनी सुंदर युवती थी, जो शायद ही पश्चिम देश में कभी जन्म ली होगी | कवि  ख़ास क़ब्र की ओर इंगित करता है और कहता है की यह वही मकबरा है, जिसमें मेरी प्यार लेटी हुईं है | 
                                        कवि अपने प्रेमिका को दिलो-जान से प्यार करता था | इसलिए कवि उसके मौत का ख़बर सुनकर फ़ुट-फ़ुट कर रोने लगा | जब कभी उसकी प्रेमिका की याद उसे सताता था, कवि उसके मकबरा के समीप जाया करता था और उसके मकबरा के बगल में बैठा करता था जहाँ उसके प्यार को लेटाया गया था | इसलिए कवि कहना चाहता है कि यदि कोई प्रेमी किसी को तहे दिल से प्यार करता हो तो उसे कभी भी अकेला ना छोड़े |

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