Model Set : English(अंग्रेजी) Objective- 100 Marks | I.Sc & I.Com


BSEB Model Set-1 | English-100 Marks | I.A., I.Sc & I.Com

Objective Type Questions

Question No. 1 to 60 has four options, out of which only one is correct. You have to mark your selected options on the OMR Sheet. Out of 60 questions, you have to attempt only 50 questions.
(प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 60 में चार विकल्प हैं, जिनमें से केवल एक सही है। आपको अपने चयनित विकल्पों को ओएमआर शीट पर अंकित करना होगा। 60 प्रश्नों में से, आपको केवल 50 प्रश्नों का प्रयास करना होगा।)
We always give you the correct answer. There is no any douwt in all 60 answers of the questions. So, Keep Studying.

1. They were being interviewed for the job by her.

(Choose the correct active voice)
(a) She has been interviewing them for the job.
(b) She will have interview them for the job.
(c) She was interviewing them for the job.
(d) She had to interview them for the job.
Ans- (c)

2. The king gave him a reward.

(Choose the correct passive voice)
(a) A reward was being given to him by the king.
(b) He was given a reward by the king.
(c) He was given the reward by the king.
(d) He had been given by the king a reward.
Ans- (b)

2. Please keep quiet. The baby ............

(Choose the correct tense form)
(a) has slept
(b) sleeps
(c) sleep
(d) sleeping
Ans- (d)

4. What .................. she do in her free time?

(Choose the correct option)
(a) done
(b) have
(c) does
(d) had
Ans- (c)

5. He told me that he ........... ill for six days.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) was
(b) is
(c) had been
(d) have been
Ans- (c)

6. He was tired of walking. He sat down to rest.

(Choose the correct combination)
(a) Tired of walking, he sat down to rest.
(b) Tired of been on walk, he sat down to rest.
(c) Tired because of walk, he sat down to rest.
(d) Tired of walking, he has sit down to rest.
Ans- (a)

7. ............. you speak English?

(Choose the correct option)
(a) ought
(b) shall
(c) can
(d) are
Ans- (c)

8. The Principal ordered me not to conduct any test the next day.

(Choose the correct direct speech)
(a) The Principal said to me, "Don't conduct any test tomorrow.
(b) The Principal told me, "Don't conduct any test yesterday."
(c) The Principal says, "Don't conduct any test tomorrow."
(d) The Principal tells, "Don't conduct any test tomorrow."
Ans- (a)

9. I wanted .............. some parents, but we didn't have much time.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) to buy
(b) to bye
(c) buying
(d) to buying
Ans- (a)

10. As far as I am concerned, I prefer reading ..................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) than rest
(b) for joy
(c) to sleeping
(d) over watching T.V.
Ans- (c)

11. I said to him, "Why are you working so hard?"

(Choose the correct indirect speech)
(a) I asked him why he was working so hard.
(b) I asked him why was he working so hard.
(c) I asked him why had he been working so hard.
(d) I asked him why he had been working so hard.
Ans- (a)

12. They ran ............. the hill.

(Choose the correct preposition)
(a) above
(b) down
(c) on
(d) through
Ans- (b)

13. There is a shop infront .......... my house.

(Choose the correct preposition)
(a) opposite
(b) on
(c) of 
(d) to
Ans- (c)

14. Stop ............ this terrible noise at once.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) make
(b) to make
(c) making
(d) to making
Ans- (c)

15. It fell ............ the table and broke.

(Choose the correct preposition)
(a) of
(b) off
(c) behind
(d) at
Ans- (c)

16. Choose the correct sentence:

(Choose the correct option)
(a) They invited my friend and I to tea.
(b) They invite me and my friend to tea.
(c) The invited my friend and me to tea.
(d) I and my friend was invented by them to tea.
Ans- (b)

17. Would you like ............ to market?

(Choose the correct option)
(a) go
(b) going
(c) to going
(d) will go
Ans- (b)

18. My father taught me ..............

(Choose the correct option)
(a) dance
(b) will dance
(c) how to dance
(d) to dancing
Ans- (c)

19. Choose the correct sentence:

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Let us stop playing now.
(b) Let us to stop playing now.
(c) Let us stop played now.
(d) Let us stopping to play now.
Ans- (a)

20. Choose the correct sentence:

(Choose the correct option)
(a) The poors are miserable.
(b) The poor are miserables.
(c) The miserable are poor.
(d) The poor are miserable.
Ans- (d)

21. How many people .............. in your family?

(Choose the correct option)
(a) is there
(b) are there
(c) there are
(d) there
Ans- (b)

22. You must .......... this book.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) read
(b) reading
(c) to read
(d) had to read
Ans- (a)

23. One must do ............ work.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) his
(b) one's
(c) self
(d) oneself
Ans- (b)

24. This car isn't .............. for us.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) enough big
(b) too big
(c) big enough
(d) much big
Ans- (c)

25. A person who does not believe in the existence of God is called ................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Theist
(b) Heretic
(c) Athiest
(d) Fanatic
Ans- (c)

26. She can't come to college as she ............. fever.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) having
(b) have
(c) has having
(d) has
Ans- (d)

27. Choose the correctly spelt word.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Affedevit
(b) Afedevit
(c) Affidavit
(d) Affidevit
Ans- (c)

28. .............. heavily in winter in Shimla.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) It snows
(b) It snowing
(c) It is snowing
(d) It is snow
Ans- (a)

29. Choose the correctly spelt word.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) comitee
(b) comittee
(c) committee
(d) commiti
Ans- (c)

30. The students ............. about the weather.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) spoke
(b) told
(c) said
(d) talked
Ans- (d)

31. I saw ........... one-eyed man.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) any
Ans- (a)

32. He ............ completely.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) recovers
(b) recovering
(c) has recovered
(d) have recovered
Ans- (c)

33. Choose the correct sentence.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) He should guard from danger.
(b) He should guard with danger.
(c) He should guard against danger.
(d) He should guard in danger.
Ans- (c)

34. Rita said, " Man is mortal".

(Choose the correct narration)
(a) Rita said that man is mortal.
(b) Rita said that man was mortal.
(c) Rita said that the man is mortal.
(d) Rita says that man is mortal.
Ans- (a)

35. We ............. him money.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) has paid
(b) will paid
(c) has paid
(d) have paid
Ans- (d)

36. They ............... finished the work.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) has been
(b) have
(c) will be
(d) having
Ans- (b)

Instruction : Questions from 37 to 60 are based on prescribed texts.

37. 'Bharat is My Home' is written by ..............

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Germaine Greer
(b) Pearl S. Buck
(c) Shiga Naoya
(d) Zakir Hussain
Ans- (d)

38. 'Civilization, in real sense of the term, consists not in the multiplication, but in the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants' is from ....................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) A Child is Born
(b) I Have a Dream
(c) The Earth
(d) Indian Civilization and Culture
Ans- (d)

39. Shiga Naoya is a ............... short story writer.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Chinese
(b) Malaysian
(c) Japanese
(d) Korean
Ans- (c)

40. Dorothy L. Sayers is the author of ..................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) How free is the press
(b) A Child is Born
(c) A Pinch of Snuff
(d) The Artist
Ans- (a)

41. Pearl S. Buck is known for her ..................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Romance
(b) Dramas
(c) Novels
(d) Poems
Ans- (c)

42. The name of Benjy's wife was .....................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Natalia
(b) Florence
(c) Jessica
(d) Mary
Ans- (b)

43. 'O how feeble is man's power' is from ...................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Fire-Hymn
(b) Snake
(c) To Autumn
(d) Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe
Ans- (d)

44. Lomov and Natalia are characters in .......................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) A Pinch of Snuff
(b) A Marriage Proposal
(c) The Artist
(d) The Earth
Ans- (b)

45. 'Leaves of Grass' is a collection of poems by ........................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) John Donne
(b) T.S. Eliot
(c) W.H. Auden
(d) Walt Whitman
Ans- (d)

46. Who is 'I' in the poem 'My Grandmother's House' ?

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Poetess
(b) Grandmother
(c) Aunt
(d) Mother
Ans- (a)

47. 'Lamia' and 'Hyperion' are written by ......................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) William Wordsworth
(b) John Keats
(c) P.B. Shelley
(d) S.T. Coleridge
Ans- (b)

48. T.S. Eliot was awarded the Novel Prize in Literature in ...................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) 1942
(b) 1948
(c) 1944
(d) None of these
Ans- (b)

49. 'Travellers in their last distress' is from ......................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Now the leaves are falling fast
(b) Sanke
(c) An Epitaph
(d) The Soldier
Ans- (a)

50. 'But beauty vanishes; beauty passes' is from .....................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Snake
(b) Fire-Hymn
(c) An Epitaph
(d) The Soldier
Ans- (c)

51. 'The Rape of the Lock' is written by ...................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Alexander Pope
(b) John Dryden
(c) John Donne
(d) John Milton
Ans- (d)

52. Who among the following was a romantic poet ?

(Choose the correct option)
(a) John Donne
(b) John Keats
(c) W.H. Auden
(d) Rupert Brooke
Ans- (b)

53. English is studied as a ................. language in Saudi Arabia.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) First
(b) Foreign
(c) Second
(d) Native
Ans- (b)

54. 'The Centerbury Tales' is written by .......................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Langlang
(b) Gower
(c) Wycliff
(d) Chaucer
Ans- (d)

55. The word 'Drama' comes from a ............... word.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Latin
(b) Indian
(c) Scandinavian
(d) Greek
Ans- (d)

56. The 'Romantic Revival' is often associated with ..................

(Choose the correct option)
(a) John Dryden
(b) Alexander Pope
(c) William Wordsworth
(d) John Milton
Ans- (c)

57. The poet in 'Song of Myself' for himself.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) laughs
(b) shouts
(c) sings
(d) cries
Ans- (c)

58. ............... is a methaphysical poet.

(Choose the correct option)
(a) T.S. Eliot
(b) John Donne
(c) John Keats
(d) Walt Whitman
Ans- (b)

59. Benjy's father was a local ...............

(Choose the correct option)
(a) teacher
(b) preacher
(c) farmer
(d) doctor
Ans- (b)

60. Who is known as 'The Nightingale of India' ?

(Choose the correct option)
(a) Sarojini Naidu
(b) Toru Dutt
(c) Kamala Das
(d) Anita Desai
Ans- (a)


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