900+ Common Verbs List with Examples, List of Verbs (from A-Z), English Grammar

Verbs List (B)

उदाहरण सहित B से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

BakeI need to bake a cake for the party.
BatheI like to bathe in the morning.
BeIt’s important to be kind to others.
BearI can’t bear the thought of losing you.
BeatThe drummer will beat the drums all night long.
BecomeShe wants to become a doctor someday.
BegHe had to beg for forgiveness after his mistake.
BeginLet’s begin the meeting with an introduction.
BehaveHe needs to behave himself when he’s in public.
Believebelieve in the power of hard work.
BelongThese books belong to the library.
BendHe needs to bend his knees when he lifts weights.
Betbet he can’t solve that math problem.
BindWe need to bind these papers together.
BiteThe dog will bite if it feels threatened.
BlowThe wind will blow the leaves away.
BoilPlease boil the water before making tea.
BorrowCan I borrow your pen for a minute?
BounceThe ball will bounce if you throw it on the ground.
BowThe violinist will bow at the end of the performance.
BreakDon’t break that vase, it’s valuable.
BreedShe plans to breed her dogs next year.
BringCould you bring me some water, please?
BroadcastThe radio station will broadcast the news every hour.
BuildThey will build a new hospital in the city.
BurnThe candle will burn brightly in the dark.
BurstThe balloon will burst if you blow it up too much.
BuyI need to buy some groceries at the store.

Verbs List (C)

उदाहरण सहित C से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

CalculateShe calculated the total cost of the trip.
Can/CouldTo be able to do something
CareShe cares deeply about the environment.
CarryHe carried the heavy box upstairs.
CatchShe caught the ball with one hand.
CelebrateThey celebrated their anniversary with a party.
ChangeShe changed her hairstyle for the wedding.
ChooseHe chose the red shirt over the blue one.
ChopShe chopped the vegetables for the soup.
ClaimHe claimed to have witnessed the accident.
ClimbThey climbed to the top of the mountain.
ClingThe child clung to her mother’s hand.
ComeShe came to the party with her friends.
CommitShe committed to finishing the project on time.
CommunicateThey communicated through email and phone calls.
CompareShe compared prices at several different stores.
CompeteHe competed in the race and finished in first place.
ComplainHe complained about the quality of the food.
CompleteShe completed the project ahead of schedule.
ConcernThe safety of our employees concerns us greatly.
ConfirmThe test results confirmed her diagnosis.
ConsentHe consented to let her borrow his car.
ConsiderShe considered all the options before making a decision.
ConsistThe salad consisted of lettuce, tomatoes, and onions.
ConsultHe consulted with his lawyer before signing the contract.
ContainThe box contained a valuable collection of jewelry.
ContinueShe continued to work on her project late into the night.
ConvinceHe convinced her to come to the party with him.
CookShe cooked a delicious meal for her family.
CostThe new car cost more than she had expected.
CountShe counted the money in her wallet.
CrawlThe baby crawled across the room.
CreateShe created a beautiful painting.
CreepThe cat crept up on the bird.
CriticizeHe criticized her performance in the play.
CryShe cried when she heard the news.
CutShe cut the cake into small pieces.

Verbs List (D)

उदाहरण सहित D से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

DanceLet’s dance at the party.
Daredare you to try the spicy food.
DealWe need to deal with this problem.
Decidedecided to go on vacation.
DeferLet’s defer the meeting until next week.
DelayThe train was delayed by the snowstorm.
DeliverThe mail carrier delivered my package.
DemandThe protesters demanded justice.
DenyHe denied any involvement in the crime.
DependOur plans depend on the weather.
DescribeCan you describe what happened?
DeserveShe deserves a promotion for her work.
Desiredesire a cup of coffee in the morning.
DestroyThe hurricane destroyed the town.
DetermineThe judge will determine the verdict.
DevelopThe company is developing new products.
DifferWe differ on our opinions about politics.
Disagreedisagree with your assessment.
DiscoverThe scientist discovered a new species.
DiscussLet’s discuss the plan at the meeting.
Dislikedislike mushrooms in my pizza.
DistributeThe charity will distribute food to the needy.
DiveHe decided to dive into the pool.
DoPlease do your homework before class.
Doubtdoubt we will finish on time.
DragHe had to drag his suitcase up the stairs.
DreamLast night, I dreamed about flying through the clouds
DrillThe dentist will drill my tooth.
DrinkI always drink water with my meals.
DriveShe will drive us to the airport.
DropHe dropped his keys on the floor.
DryCan you dry the dishes with a towel?

Verbs List (E)

उदाहरण सहित E से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

EarnShe earned a promotion by working hard.
EatI will eat pizza for dinner tonight.
EmphasizeThe speaker emphasized the importance of education.
EnableThe new technology enabled faster communication.
EncourageHis parents encouraged him to follow his dreams.
EngageShe engaged in a conversation with her coworkers.
EnhanceThe new software will enhance our productivity.
Enjoyenjoy reading books in my spare time.
EnsureThe lock on the door ensures our safety.
EntailBuying a new car entails spending a lot of money.
EnterShe entered the room quietly so as not to disturb anyone.
EstablishThe company was established in 1995.
ExamineThe doctor examined the patient thoroughly.
ExistDoes extraterrestrial life exist in the universe?
ExpandThe company plans to expand its business overseas.
Expectexpect to hear back from the job interview soon.
ExperimentShe wanted to experiment with a new recipe for dinner.
ExplainCan you explain how to solve this math problem?
ExploreWe decided to explore the city on foot.
ExtendHe extended his arm to reach the book on the top shelf.

Verbs List (F)

उदाहरण सहित F से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

FailShe failed her driving test.
FallThe leaves fall from the trees in autumn.
FeedThe mother bird feeds her chicks.
FeelShe feels happy after a good workout.
FightThe two brothers used to fight over toys when they were younger.
FindI was able to find my keys in my purse after searching for a few minutes.
FinishHe finished his homework before dinner.
FitThis dress doesn’t fit me anymore.
FlyThe bird flies high in the sky.
FoldShe folds her clothes before putting them in a drawer.
FollowThe dog follows his owner everywhere.
ForbidThe sign forbids smoking in the park.
ForgetI always forget my passwords.
ForgiveShe forgave him for his mistake.
FreezeThe water freezes in winter.
FryHe fries the eggs for breakfast.

Verbs List (G)

उदाहरण सहित G से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

GatherLet’s gather some wood for the fire.
GrowThe flowers in the garden are growing.
GraspShe grasped the doorknob and opened it.
GlanceHe glanced at his watch and hurried off.
GreetShe greeted me with a warm smile.
GuideThe teacher will guide the students through the difficult project.
GuessI can only guess what he meant.
GiveHe gave me a present for my birthday.
GoWe need to go to the store.
GenerateThe wind turbines generate electricity.
GrabShe grabbed her keys and ran out the door.
GlitterThe diamonds on her necklace glittered.
GroanHe groaned when he realized his mistake.

Verbs List (H)

उदाहरण सहित H से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

HangHe decided to hang the picture on the wall.
HappenIt didn’t happen as he had planned.
HateShe hated the taste of the medicine.
Havehave two cats as pets.
HearI can hear the birds chirping outside.
HesitateShe hesitated before answering the question.
HideHe tried to hide the gift from his sister.
HitThe boxer hit his opponent with a left hook.
HoldShe held the baby tightly in her arms.
HopThe frog hopped across the lily pad.
HopeHe hoped to win the race.
HugShe hugged her friend after not seeing her for a long time.
HurryWe need to hurry if we want to catch the train.
HurtHe hurts his knee while playing soccer.

Verbs List (I)

उदाहरण सहित I से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

IdentifyCan you identify the person in this photo?
IgnoreHe chose to ignore the warning signs.
IllustrateShe illustrated her point with a diagram.
ImagineCan you imagine what it would be like to live on Mars?
ImplyHis tone implied that he was not happy with the decision.
ImpressHer confidence and intelligence really impressed me.
ImproveWe need to improve our customer service.
IncludeThe package should include all necessary documents.
IncorporateWe decided to incorporate her ideas into the project.
IndicateThe sign indicated that the restaurant was closed.
InformShe informed me that the meeting had been rescheduled.
InsistHe insisted that we go to the concert together.
InstallWe need to install new software on our computers.
Intendintend to travel around the world one day.
IntroduceLet me introduce you to my colleague, Sarah.
InvestHe decided to invest in the stock market.
InvestigateThe police are investigating the robbery.
InvolveThe project will involve a lot of research.
IronShe needs to iron her dress before the party.

Verbs List (J)

उदाहरण सहित J से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

JogI like to jog in the park every morning.
JuggleShe can juggle five balls at once.
JoinHe joined the army after college.
JumpThe cat can jump over the fence easily.
JudgeShe judged the competition fairly.
JustifyHe tried to justify his actions, but it was hard to believe him.

Verbs List (K)

उदाहरण सहित K से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

KeepCan you keep this secret?
KickHe kicked the ball towards the goal.
KissShe kissed him on the cheek.
KneelThe worshippers knelt down to pray.
KnitShe learned to knit a scarf for her sister.
KnowDo you know where the nearest gas station is located?

Verbs List (L)

उदाहरण सहित L से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

LackShe lacks the necessary qualifications for the job.
LaughWe all laughed at the funny joke.
LayShe laid the book on the table.
LeadHe led the team to victory.
LeanShe leaned against the wall to catch her breath.
LeapThe athlete leapt over the hurdle.
LearnShe learned how to play the piano.
LeaveHe left the party early.
LendCan you lend me a pen for a moment?
Lie (in bed)She lay in bed all morning.
LiftHe lifted the heavy box with ease.
LightShe lit the candle with a match.
Lie (not to tell the truth)He lied to his boss about being sick.
Likelike chocolate ice cream.
ListenPlease listen carefully to my instructions.
LookShe looked out the window at the beautiful view.
LoseHe lost his wallet on the way to work.
LoveShe loves spending time with her family.

Verbs List (M)

उदाहरण सहित M से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

MaintainHe maintained his car regularly.
MakeShe made a cake for the party.
ManageHe managed the team successfully.
MatterIt doesn’t matter what you wear.
MayYou may leave the room now.
MeanWhat does this symbol mean?
MeasureShe measured the length of the room.
MeetLet’s meet at the coffee shop.
MeltThe ice cream began to melt in the sun.
MentionHe mentioned his vacation plans.
Mightmight go to the concert tonight.
MindDo you mind if I borrow your pen?
MissShe missed the target with the arrow.
MixHe mixed the ingredients for the cake.
MowHe mowed the lawn on Saturday morning.
MustYou must wear a helmet while riding a bike.

Verbs List (N)

उदाहरण सहित N से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

NagMy mom tends to nag me about cleaning my room every day.
NourishThe mother breastfed to nourish her baby.
NudgeShe nudged him awake when the movie ended.
NavigateHe navigated the ship through the storm.
NameShe named her daughter after her grandmother.
NeglectThe landlord neglected to repair the leaking roof.
NurtureShe nurtured her garden with water and fertilizer.
NotifyThe school notified the parents about the upcoming event.
NarrateThe author narrated the story in the first person.
NecessitateThe complex nature of the project necessitated more research.

Verbs List (O)

उदाहरण सहित O से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

ObserveShe observed the birds flying south.
ObtainHe obtained a new job with a higher salary.
OccurThe accident occurred on the highway.
OfferHe offered me a ride to the airport.
OpenShe opened the door and welcomed me inside.
OperateHe operates a small business in the city.
Orderordered a pizza for dinner last night.
OrganizeShe organized a surprise birthday party for him.
Ought toYou ought to be more careful when driving.
OvercomeHe overcame his fear of public speaking.
OvertakeThe car overtook the truck on the highway.
OweHe owes me money for the rent.
OwnShe owns a beautiful house by the beach.

Verbs List (P)

उदाहरण सहित P से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

PaintShe painted her room pink.
ParticipateHe will participate in the chess tournament.
PayShe paid for her coffee with cash.
PeelHe peeled the banana before eating it.
PerformShe performed a beautiful song on the piano.
PersuadeHe persuaded her to go on a date with him.
PinchShe pinched her nose to stop the bad smell.
PlanThey planned their vacation to Hawaii.
PlayThey played basketball in the park.
PointShe pointed to the north to show the direction.
PossessHe possessed a vast collection of books.
PostponeThey postponed the meeting until next week.
PourShe poured milk into her coffee.
PracticeShe practiced the piano for hours every day.
PreferHe preferred tea over coffee.
PrepareShe prepared a delicious meal for her guests.
PretendShe pretended to be a princess at the costume party.
PreventThey prevented the fire from spreading to other houses.
ProceedThey proceeded with the construction of the building.
PromiseHe promised to be on time for the meeting.
ProposeShe proposed a new project to her team.
ProtectHe protected his family from the wild animals.
ProveHe proved his theory through scientific experiments.
PullHe pulled the door to open it.
PunchHe punched the bully in the face.
PursueShe pursued her dreams of becoming a doctor.
PushShe pushed the shopping cart down the aisle.
PutHe put the keys on the kitchen counter.

Verbs List (Q)

उदाहरण सहित Q से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

QuackThe duck quacked loudly.
QuitHe quit his job after he won the lottery.
QuellThe police were able to quell the riot.
QuestHe quested for the lost treasure for many years.
QuakeThe ground began to quake as the volcano erupted.
QualifyShe qualified for the scholarship with her excellent grades.

Verbs List (R)

उदाहरण सहित R से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

ReactShe reacted angrily to the criticism.
ReadI like to read books in my free time.
RealizeHe realized he had made a mistake.
RecallI cannot recall where I left my keys.
Receivereceived a gift from my friend.
RecollectI cannot recollect meeting him before.
Recommendrecommend this restaurant for dinner.
ReduceWe need to reduce our expenses this month.
ReferCan you refer me to a good lawyer?
ReflectShe reflected on her past mistakes.
Refuserefuse to work for such a low wage.
RegretShe regretted not going to college.
RelateI can relate to your struggle with anxiety.
RelaxI like to relax by taking a long bath.
RelieveThe medicine relieved his headache.
Relyrely on my best friend for emotional support.
RemainOnly a few guests remained at the party.
Rememberremember our first date like it was yesterday.
RemindCan you remind me to call my mom tonight?
RepairI need to repair my car’s brakes.
Replacereplaced my old phone with a new one.
RepresentThe eagle represents freedom in America.
RequireThis job requires a lot of hard work.
ResentShe resented his constant criticism.
ResistHe resisted the temptation to eat the cake.
Retainretained ownership of the house after the divorce.
RetireMy dad plans to retire next year.
RidShe rid herself of toxic friends.
RideI like to ride my bike to work when the weather is nice.
RingThe phone rang loudly in the quiet
RiseThe sun rises in the east every morning.
RiskShe didn’t want to risk getting caught by the police.
RoastWe are going to roast marshmallows over the fire.
RunShe likes to run every morning to stay fit.

Verbs List (S)

उदाहरण सहित S से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

SanctionThe government will sanction the new law.
SatisfyThe delicious meal satisfied our hunger.
SayShe said that she loved him.
ScrubHe scrubbed the floors until they sparkled.
SeeI can see the mountains in the distance.
SeemIt seems that she is not feeling well.
SellShe sells handmade jewelry at the market.
SendHe will send the package tomorrow.
ServeThe waiter will serve our dinner soon.
SetShe set the table for dinner.
SettleThey settled their argument peacefully.
SewShe will sew a patch onto her jacket.
ShakeHe shook his head in disbelief.
ShallWe shall meet at the park at noon.
ShedThe tree shed its leaves in the fall.
ShineThe sun shone brightly in the sky.
ShootHe will shoot a movie in Paris next month.
ShouldYou should study harder for the exam.
ShowHe will show his new painting at the gallery.
ShrinkThe sweater shrank in the wash.
ShutShe shut the window to keep out the cold.
SingThey will sing a song together.
SinkThe boat sank in the stormy sea.
SitShe will sit on the couch to watch TV.
SkiHe loves to ski in the mountains.
SleepShe will sleep soundly through the night.
SliceHe will slice the bread for sandwiches.
SlideShe will slide down the hill on her sled.
SlipShe slipped on the icy sidewalk.
SmellThe roses smell sweet.
SnoreHe will snore loudly when he is tired.
SolveShe will solve the math equation correctly.
SowHe will sow wildflowers in the field.
SpeakShe will speak at the conference next week.
SpecifyPlease specify the color and size you want.
SpellShe will spell her name for the teacher.
SpendThey will spend their vacation at the beach.
SpillShe accidentally spilled coffee on her shirt.
SpitHe will spit out his gum before the exam.
SpreadShe will spread butter on her toast.
SquatHe will squat down to tie his shoelaces.
StackShe will stack the books neatly on the shelf.
StandShe will stand in line for tickets to the show.
StartHe will start his new job next week.
StealShe will steal a glance at her crush.
StickShe will stick the poster on the wall.
StingThe bee can sting you if you get too close.
StinkThe garbage in the dumpster stinks.
StirShe will stir the soup on the stove.
StopShe will stop at the red light.
StretchShe will stretch her legs before going for a run.
StrikeShe will strike the nail with a hammer.
StruggleShe will struggle to lift the heavy box.
StudyShe will study for her history exam.
SubmitShe will submit her proposal to the committee.
SucceedShe will succeed in her new job.
SufferShe will suffer from a headache.
SuggestShe will suggest a new restaurant for you
SupplyShe will supply the office with new computers.
SupposeHe will suppose that she’s running late.
SurpriseShe will surprise her friend with a birthday gift.
SurviveHe will survive the car accident.
SwearShe will swear to tell the truth in court.
SweepShe will sweep the floor before guests arrive.
SwellShe will swell with pride when she receives the award.
SwimShe will swim in the pool.
SwingShe will swing on the playground.

Verbs List (T)

उदाहरण सहित T से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

TakeCan you take this book to the library?
TalkLet’s talk about our plans for the weekend.
TasteThis soup tastes too salty.
TeachMy mom used to teach me how to cook.
TearShe accidentally tore her shirt sleeve.
TellPlease tell me what happened last night.
TendShe tends to her garden every morning.
ThinkI need to think about what you said.
ThreatenHe threatened to call the police on me.
ThrowHe can throw a football really far.
TiptoeShe tiptoed out of the room to avoid waking anyone up.
TolerateI can’t tolerate spicy food.
TranslateHe can translate French into English.
TryI’m going to try this new recipe tonight.

Verbs List (U)

उदाहरण सहित U से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

UnfoldShe unfolded the map to find the route to the airport.
UndertakeHe undertook the project despite the challenges.
UpsetThe bad news upset him for the rest of the day.
UnderstandI can’t understand what you’re saying.
UseHe used his computer to write a report.
UpgradeShe upgraded her phone to the latest model.
Urgeurge you to reconsider your decision.
UniteThe two companies decided to unite for a joint venture.

Verbs List (V)

उदाहरण सहित U से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

ValidateThe supervisor will validate the test results.
VanishThe magician made the rabbit vanish from the hat.
VexThe constant noise from the construction site vexed me.
VisualizeShe tried to visualize the beach as she closed her eyes.
VolunteerShe volunteered to help organize the fundraiser.
VerifyPlease verify your email address to complete the sign-up process.
VisitWe plan to visit our relatives in Florida this summer.
ViewThe artist’s paintings were viewed by many people at the exhibit.
VitalizeThe fresh air and exercise helped to vitalize my body.
VocalizeThe baby began to vocalize and make cooing sounds.

Verbs List (W)

उदाहरण सहित W से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

WaitI have to wait for the bus.
WakeI usually wake up at 7am.
WalkLet’s walk to the park.
Wantwant a new phone.
WarnThe weather forecast warned of a storm.
WashI need to wash my car.
WatchLet’s watch a movie tonight.
WaveHe waved goodbye to me.
WearI like to wear comfortable clothes.
WeepShe wept after watching the emotional movie.
WeighI need to weigh this package before shipping it.
WhipThe chef whipped the cream for the dessert.
Willwill study harder for my exams.
WinOur team won the championship game.
Wishwish I could travel the world.
Wouldwould go if I had more time.
WriteI need to write a report for work.

Verbs List (X, Y, Z)

उदाहरण सहित X,Y,Z से शुरू होने वाली क्रियाओं की सूची।

X-rayThe doctor X-rayed my broken arm to see the extent of the damage.
XeroxI need to Xerox this document before I send it out.
YieldThe farm yielded a bountiful harvest this year.
YellThe coach yelled at the players to run faster.
YearnShe yearns to travel the world.
ZapCan you please zap the leftovers for me?
ZoomThe race car zoomed down the track.
ZigzagThe snake zigzagged across the path.
ZoneThe city is zoned into residential and commercial areas.
ZeroThe scale needs to be zeroed before weighing anything.

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