जैव-कोशिका सभी जीवों की संरचना की आधारभूत इकाई है तथा विभिन्न जीव-जातियों की कोशिकाओं की संरचना की संरचना एवं जैविक-प्रक्रियाओं में अनेक आधरभूत समानताएं पायी जाती है। फिर भी इन कोशिकाओं के संगठन से उत्पन्न जीव-जातियों में व्यापक एवं विशाल संख्या में भिन्नताएं होती है। लगभग सामान प्रकार की जीव-कोशिकाओं से विभिन्न प्रकार की जीव-जातियों के विकास को जैव-विविधता (Bio-diversity) कहते हैं।
As we have also read earlier, there are millions of species of organisms found on the earth, such as plants, animals, bacteria and viruses and each of these species has some kind of organism from other species. Are different from. So far, about 10 lakh species of animals and 5 lakh species of plants have been identified and studied and named, still millions of unknown organisms have been identified and they are yet to be described.
Bio-cell is the basic unit of structure of all organisms and many basic similarities are found in the structure and biological processes of the cells of different organisms. Nevertheless, there is a wide and vast number of differences in organisms resulting from the organization of these cells. Bio-diversity is the development of different types of organisms from almost the same type of organism.
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