A Child is Born Objective Question Answer Pdf


 Based Pattern  

Bihar Board, Patna

 Class  12th
 Stream  Arts (I.A.), Commerce (I.Com) & Science (I.Sc)
 Subject  English (100 Marks)
 Book  Rainbow-XII | Part- II
 Type  Objective Questions & PDF Attached
 Lesson  Prose-7 | A Child is Born
 Total Questions  20 Questions | Set-I
 Published by  Jolly Lifestyle Blog Team
 Price  Free of Cost
 Script  In English & Hindi

1. A Child is Born is written by ..............

(A) Germaine Greer

(B) H.E. Bates

(C) Anton P. Chekhov

(D) Shiga Naoya | Ans- (A)

2. "A Child is Born" is an extract from the author's book named .............

(A) The Female Eunuch

(B) The Change

(C) The Wind

(D) Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility | Ans- (D)

3. Germaine Greer was born in ................

(A) 1838

(B) 1938

(C) 1939

(D) 1949 | Ans- (C)

4. Germaine Greer was born and educated in .............

(A) America

(B) Britain

(C) Australia

(D) Germany | Ans- (A)

5. In Bangladesh, ............. is a kind of fairy tales.

(A) Rupthoka

(B) Supthoka

(C) Tupthoka

(D) Jupthoka | Ans- (A)

6. A .............. woman has to observe various taboos, rituals and customs.

(A) pregnant

(B) beautiful

(C) ugly

(D) wicked | Ans- (A)

7. Generally a pregnant woman is sent to her .............. home for childbirth.

(A) parents

(B) teacher

(C) doctor

(D) relative | Ans- (A)

8. In the ............. the husband-wife do enjoy more freedom and individuality.

(A) industrialized society

(B) rural society

(C) traditional society

(D) untraditional society | Ans- (A)

9. The traditional society is ............. in nature.

(A) individualistic

(B) collective

(C) indifferent

(D) none of these | Ans- (B)

10. The mothers from Bangladesh are the greatest ...............

(A) simpleton

(B) narrator

(C) lovers

(D) none of these | Ans- (B)

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