NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments Chapter 1 The Lost Child(Short Answer Questions (2 marks each))


Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)
(About 30-40 words each)

Question 1:
How did the child react when there was no sign of his parents? (Board Term, Sept., 1,2013, K2G41GH)

The child was very innocent. He gets confused and panic-stricken on not seeing his parents. He felt lonely without his parents amidst so much of the crowd. The man who tries to console the child also does not achieve any success as the boy only needs his parents and no monetary benefit.

Question 2:
Where did the child go with his parents? What did he want there? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-013)

The child went to a fair with his parents. He wanted garlands, balloons and sweets over there. He also wanted to see the snake and take a ride on the swing.

Question 3:
Why did the lost child refuse to take his favourite things to the fair after losing his parents?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-015)

The child refused to take his favourite things in the fair after he lost his parents as he missed them and wanted to meet them only. Now, he had lost interest in all his favourite things.

Question 4:

How did the mother distract the child’s mind from the toy seller? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-017)

The mother distracted the child’s mind from the toy seller by pointing towards a flowering
mustard field. He saw colourful dragonflies and staffed running after them.

Question 5:
How was the child separated from his parents?(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-018)

The boy was attracted to toys, balloons and sweets in the fair. He got fascinated with the flute
music being played by the snake charmer. While watching the roundabout swing he got
separated from his parents.

Question 6:
What happened when the lost child reached the temple door? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-019)

When the child reached the temple doormen jostled each other. The poor child struggled to
thrust his way out but was knocked. He might have been trampled if he had not shouted at his
highest pitch.

Question 7:
Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy him? (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-020)

The man in the shrine rescued the lost child. He lifted him up in his arms and tried to soothe
him. He took him to the nearest roundabout swing and offered to buy him flowers, balloons
and sheets.

Question 8:

Parents were in a hurry to reach the fair but the child was delaying them. How?

(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-029)

The boy got distracted by toys he wanted to buy, butterflies and dragonflies he wanted to catch,
and flowers he wanted to gather. And, out of pine innocence, he delayed his parents to reach
the fair.

Question 9:

What was the first reaction of the child when he realized that he had lost his parents?

(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-035)

The child panicked when he realized (that he had lost his parents. He was puzzled, angry and
desperate. He cried and shouted for his parents. He ran here and there to look for his parents.

Question 10:
Why didn’t the boy wait for an answer after he had pleaded for sweets?
(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-042)

The boy didn’t wait for an answer afterlife had pleaded for sweets because he knew that his parents would say that he was greed^ and would refuse to buy the sweets.

Question 11:
What happened when the “lost child” entered the grove? How did he enjoy there?
(Board Term 1,2012, ELI-046)

When the “lost child” entered the grove, a shower of young flowers fell upon him. He began to
gather the raining petals. He heard the cooing of doves and ran towards his parent^. He had a
fun-filled splendid time in the grove.

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