How Free is the Press Objective Question Answer Pdf



 Based Pattern  

Bihar Board, Patna

 Class 12th
 Stream Arts (I.A.), Commerce (I.Com) & Science (I.Sc)
 Subject English (100 Marks)
 Book Rainbow-XII | Part- II
 Type Objective Questions & PDF Attached
 Lesson Prose-8 | How Free is the Press
 Total Questions 24 Questions | Set-I
 Published by Mgs Gyan Books
 Price Free of Cost
 Script In English & Hindi

1. How Free is the Press is written by .............

(A) H.E. Bates

(B) Dr Zakir Hussain

(C) Dorothy L. Sayers

(D) Bertrand Russell | Ans- (C)

2. Dorothy L. Sayers was born in ................

(A) 1883

(B) 1893

(C) 1873

(D) 1863 | Ans- (B)

3. Dorothy L. Sayers was died in ................

(A) 1967

(B) 1958

(C) 1956

(D) 1957 | Ans- (D)

4. When Dorothy Sayers became one of the first women to graduate from Oxford University? *

(A) 1950

(B) 1915

(C) 1918

(D) 1919 | Ans- (B)

5. ............... are careful not to antagonize the press.

(A) Politicians

(B) Teachers

(C) Doctors

(D) Traders | Ans- (A)

6. Censorship is imposed during ...............

(A) peaceful times

(B) emergency

(C) election

(D) traders | Ans- (B)

7. The .............. is not the master but the servant of the people. *

(A) State

(B) Government

(C) District

(D) Village | Ans- (A)

8. The ............... Press is, under ordinary conditions, singularly free.

(A) Indian

(B) European

(C) Chinese

(D) British | Ans- (D)

9. The first chief source of a newspaper's revenue is ...............

(A) advertisement

(B) grant by the government

(C) donation

(D) Debt. | Ans- (A)

10. The second chief source of a newspaper's revenue is ...............

(A) grant by the Govt.

(B) donation

(C) debt.

(D) the wealth of owner | Ans- (D)

11. Miss Sayers said that she would write no more plays, except on ...............

(A) commission

(B) politics

(C) culture

(D) sports | Ans- (A)

12. One of the seven charges the author makes against the press is ............

(A) Sensational Headlines

(B) Printing Nude photographs

(C) Paid news

(D) No importance to children | Ans- (A)

13. A free and fair press is the true watch ............... of democracy.

(A) cat

(B) dog

(C) bird

(D) tiger | Ans- (B)

14. The editorial policy of a popular daily is controlled by .............. chief factors.

(A) two

(B) three

(C) four

(D) one | Ans- (A)

15. Without a press there can be no ..............

(A) Society

(B) Free people

(C) Humanity

(D) Peace | Ans- (B)

16. Restrictions are normally placed upon the press in time of ..............

(A) Flood

(B) Bloodshed

(C) War

(D) Famine | Ans- (C)

17. Full freedom is restored when it comes ..............

(A) War

(B) Famine

(C) Peace

(D) Flood | Ans- (C)

18. Every newspaper is shackled to its own set of .............. *

(A) Landlords

(B) Overloads

(C) Overlords

(D) Nightmare | Ans- (C)

19. This is the special accomplishment of the Press interviewer .................... *

(A) Marbling

(B) Garbling

(C) Titillating

(D) Allusion | Ans- (B)

20. What do free people take for granted?

(A) Free home

(B) Free schools

(C) Free press

(D) Free pass | Ans- (C)

21. Who is the master of the state?

(A) Government

(B) Press

(C) Court

(D) People | Ans- (D)

22. The Press can make or break ...............

(A) Colony

(B) People

(C) Reputation

(D) Garbling | Ans- (C)

23. A free and fair press is the true watchdog of ................

(A) Colony

(B) Persons

(C) Court

(D) Democracy | Ans- (D)

24. The .............. can make or break a reputation.

(A) man

(B) saint

(C) teacher

(D) press | Ans- (D)



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